Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Beginnings - A Step of Faith

When all of this started I was working as an administrative assistant at my church.  God was telling me it was time for me to leave but I was too busy looking for a new job to hear Him.  While my job search continued, my restlessness at my current job was becoming unbearable.  I kept hearing God say over a period of months, "You're not trusting me".  It was loud and clear, there was no denying this is what He was saying to me.  While talking with a friend one day and sharing with her these things I was going through, she looked at me and said, "I think you know what you need to do".  With the blessings of my dear husband, the next day I turned in my letter of resignation.  Done.

While I continued my job search, I knew I wanted to be a farmer.  This is what God was calling me to do.  I started reading book after book, devising a plan, making decisions on the best use of the land we have.  The job offers were not pouring in and I was a little nervous but I had to trust God.  After much research, I picked my two favorite books and read them continuously.  I didn't want to read anything that didn't have something to do with growing vegetables. 

The New Organic Grower by Eliot Coleman
All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew

I decided on raised beds and organic.  While I am not certified organic, I am using organic methods.  Since it was September when I resigned from my job, I had fall and winter to plan my garden.  We decided where it was going to be, what I was going to plant, and how much it was going to cost (ha!). 

Here are a couple of sites I like to visit:

Four Season Farm

Square Foot Gardening

In the mean time, I had two contractor jobs that were keeping me busy and bringing in a little cash.  God was taking care of us, I just had to trust.


  1. So proud of you! You are amazing:)I cannot wait to read more!

  2. I am so excited to come along with you on this journey!!! I am so proud of you and blessed to have you in my life. We will be rooting for you every step of the way!!!

  3. I've read Square Foot Gardening so many times I've lost count. I consider myself an accidental gardener so I'm looking forward to learning from you as jouney on in Faith. Happy Farming!

  4. This is awesome, Em! I can't wait to celebrate this journey with you! Thanks for taking the time to share and teach the rest of us from your experiences... it's much appreciated!!
