Saturday, June 4, 2011

5 Random Facts {1}

5 Random Facts is the section on Tales From The Dirt written by me, Rebekah, Emily's daughter.  Here, I list 5 random facts about anything.  This is the first one, so be prepared...

Fact #1: Cockroaches can live up to a week without their head.  So, smush it, don't chop off its head. Then you'll not only have a cockroach on the loose, but a headless cockroach on the loose.

Fact #2: Potassium.  Goods: It's in bananas. Bananas are AWESOME. It also helps your body functions, one of which is the nerves.  Bads: Too much potassium? BOOM! Heart attack. Don't eat too many bananas.  And, in the good ol' U.S. of A., potassium chloride is used in potentially fatal injections to kill the prisoners of Death Row.
Potassium is really cool.

Fact #3: A whale can eat 5 and 1/2 pounds of krill--in one minute!! Oh, my, the little krill better be careful! Heehee.

Fact #4: A cheetah will go 1.6 miles in one minute.  And think of how one minute is such a small amount of time. And 1.6 miles is a very long distance...

Fact #5: Believe it or not, loaves of bread can be suitable weapons against rabid foxes.

Well, that's it... If you have a random fact, comment! No use keeping it in! Share the randomness!!!
