We have some very generous neighbors out here on the farm. Just the other day the neighbors called to let us know that the sweet corn is in! They pretty much let us pick what we want, although we let them know what we wanted before picking just to be sure. I don't have an exact count but I'm pretty sure it was over 150 ears of corn. We took the kids and were in and out of the field and back home within 45 minutes - we did good.
It's very easy to get lost in the corn. |
Good stuff! |
We put quite a bit of corn in the back of the van. |
We shucked the ears and then had to wipe them down to get some of the silk off because apparently you can "strangle" on that stuff, according to my dear mother-in-law.
Unclean! Had to get some of that silk off those ears. |
Then we cooked them for approximately 3 minutes, I didn't time it but that's what I aimed for. I have trouble remembering numbers and we had 2 pots going - it was cooked for a short period of time, that's all I know.
Yummy! |
Then the fun begins! This is my mother-in-law cutting corn off the cobs and bagging it to put in the freezer. When you cut corn off the cob it flies everywhere! I cleared off my counters so it would be an easy clean-up but we still had to scrub the counters quite a bit. Corn has a lot of sugar and when it dries, it's like glue.
Mama-in-law cutting corn. |
When all was said and done, we ended up with 28 quart bags of corn. Didn't seem like enough to me after all that work. It didn't nearly fill the back of the van as it did before. I was amazed how much we reduced the volume, how much we put in the compost pile and how much is in the bags. It's a lot of work but I know we'll appreciate it come January when we have "fresh" frozen corn in the freezer.